A Grateful Heart

I love this time of year. The Holidays are here and Turkey Day is upon us with all its trimmings. Gratitude is as much about appreciating our lot in life as it is about sharing our blessings with others. Gratitude is a mindset. A sense of deep appreciation for our families and for those we love.

As an international student in this country, I was blessed to share my Thanksgiving meal, each year, with an American family. In that same spirit, our simple home now has a novel tradition.

As in the past, this year we are blessed to share our home and gratitude with about eight international students from multiple countries. Wonderful young women and men who would otherwise not enjoy a traditional American celebration of turkey, food, football, and family.

These special young people add so much to my life. A sense of purpose, and as I get older, the constant need to teach, coach, and mentor.

Share your homes and hearts with those who may, otherwise, not have a seat at the table. Fixing the turkey is the easy part. The generosity of spirit is what makes it count. Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope your grateful hearts continue to overflow in the year ahead.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.