Amazing Europe


The European culture is deep rooted in music, art, food, literature, languages, and its diversity of cultures amazes me. The Caucasian race looks so much the same and yet different in it’s many nuances. Previously, I viewed Europe as one big country — one color, one value system. I was so wrong.

I have been so blessed to visit many countries over a series of years. From the beauty of the Swiss Alps, the tulip laden gardens of Holland, the brilliance of France, the cold draft from the North Sea, and the street art of Italy, reinforces that this continent of peninsulas is God’s special creation. These travels have widened my horizon, like never before. I take back with me  so many wonderful things I can teach my Montessori children. We will be learning about stained glass, the renaissance period, beautiful flowers and delicious food. Let the European tour of learning begin at school. No passport required to learn about these wonderful places of paradise on Earth.

About Rohini Rustogi

Rohini Rustogi is the owner, President, and CEO of The Brandon Montessori (BMS), The Riverview Montessori (RMS), and The South Shore Montessori (SMS) Schools. She has a Masters degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Geography from Kumaon University in India. In addition, she has earned a Preprimary Teacher Certification from the American Montessori Society and has been teaching in Montessori Schools in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years.