Patience and Perspective

I love the quote from Simon Sinek "patience provides perspective". As I get older, I realize I have become more patient, more accommodating and less judgmental about life in general. No jumping to impulsive conclusions and flying off the … [Read more...]

Follow the Child

Today was an exciting day as we kicked off our 15th academic year. It was a pleasure to welcome the new children and hug the returning ones. Day 1 went went off smoothly. Yes, it will take time for the children to settle into their routines. Parents … [Read more...]

The Joy of Running

My Sunday morning runs are precious to me as I jog my troubles away.  I run to align my head and body for the upcoming work week. Yes, I do my best thinking when the wheels are moving. My knees may be wearing out but my brain is renewed and … [Read more...]

Learning from Dolls

Today a parent returned from Brazil and brought us the most lovely native doll from there to add to our hundred something doll collection. We are running out of space in our curio set as our doll population surges. From the doll guards of the … [Read more...]