Nestled along the Lake of Constance lies the city of Bregenz. This quaint town is home to the world headquarters of Wolford where my brother from another mother, Ashish Sen Sarma, serves as the CEO. More on Wolford, and Ashish, later this week.
I like this sleepy, charming hamlet. As I walk the cobble stoned sidewalks and soak in the colorful flowers in the boxes that ordain the windows of old homes, I am pleasantly surprised at the quiet pace of life.
Being Sunday, the shops are closed, and commerce will have to wait on this day of rest. The lakeside is dotted with small cafes, where locals take in the majestic scenery and contemplate life’s many mysteries over cold beers and hot coffee.
There are inherent advantages to slowing down. To turning off the TV and putting aside the smart phones; to taking in nature and to getting lost in our own heads. I need to do this more often – get off the treadmill of life and soak in the beauty of Gods beautiful earth.