The big corporations rarely care about their people, or their families. They care about one thing – and one thing alone – PROFITS. As hurricane Mathews battered South Florida, at least one major car rental company, did not suspend operations, because they had to ‘hit’ their numbers. No real worries that a skeleton crew was left in a shoddy building, on the outskirts of the airport, to fend for themselves – away from their families.
When we don’t take care of our people, and we don’t take care of our customers, slowly but surely the numbers begin a downward spiral. Large corporations rarely care about work-life balance, and treat loyal hard working human-beings as replaceable pawns in the game of business.
A wise Professor taught me that in corporate America, you are only as good as your last quarter earnings. I feel blessed that I do not live in that world, and I wonder what justifications these executives would give when they finally meet their maker!