Find Your Therapy


Here are my five forms of therapy which I must have to keep me grounded and sane.

  1. Loving on my three crazy dogs.The Bichon’s give me no room to stretch out on my bed and the Basset-hound who leaves me smelly surprises all over my tiled floors. I wish, her ears could mop and sweep her own mess.
  2. Cooking Indian food every day. Chicken curry and curry chicken — day in and day out. The aroma of the good Indian spices remind me of mom’s cooking. The whole process of buying vegetables from the farmer’s market is more joyful than buying designer shoes.
  3. Gardening and planting an array of herbs, vegetables, annuals, and perennials. A wilted plant gets my attention immediately. I can go thirsty, but not my plants. They must be hydrated. Even if it means toiling in the hot Florida sun and getting sun spots.
  4. “Words with Friends.” I love my iPad. If there is a hurricane, my iPad is going in my handbag first. Is it my time to make a move?
  5. Gym time every day to get the endorphins kicking. From the running to the spinning, and the body pump, exercise brightens my day.

A little Bollywood music in my car during my daily commute helps too.

The highlight of the day is my one glass of red vino which makes me sleep like a baby. And somewhere in that equation is time for my love who encourages me to indulge in all my pleasures.
That’s one of many reasons I love him!

Find your therapy and find time for yourself. It makes for a daily dose of a happy heart.

About Rohini Rustogi

Rohini Rustogi is the owner, President, and CEO of The Brandon Montessori (BMS), The Riverview Montessori (RMS), and The South Shore Montessori (SMS) Schools. She has a Masters degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Geography from Kumaon University in India. In addition, she has earned a Preprimary Teacher Certification from the American Montessori Society and has been teaching in Montessori Schools in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years.