From the Mouth of Babes


I am blessed and privileged to work with the most precious children.  The fun part is observing them as they interact with one another in the classroom and on the playground. Their vivid imaginations, their creativity and their personalities are so unique.  You never know what to expect when they talk or make important decisions. Here are some fun anecdotes from our Montessori children:

Two little girls were in a deep conversation of what they were going to be when they grow up. One said, “when I grow up, I want to be a mommy’ have a baby and then go on a diet.”

Our three year Gabby’s favorite work in class is ” baby Washington” or baby doll washing.

Ryan, a four year old at the time, was trying to convince the children to vote Republican and telling them not to vote for the Democrats. He had them separated into two groups on the playground representing the two parties. He earned the title of “Senator Ryan” from that day. He is sixteen years old now; one day he will be President, and he already has my vote.

The children were getting a lesson on the skeletal system.  When asked why we had teeth?  To “brush them” was the quick retort.


About Rohini Rustogi

Rohini Rustogi is the owner, President, and CEO of The Brandon Montessori (BMS), The Riverview Montessori (RMS), and The South Shore Montessori (SMS) Schools. She has a Masters degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Geography from Kumaon University in India. In addition, she has earned a Preprimary Teacher Certification from the American Montessori Society and has been teaching in Montessori Schools in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years.