Mr. Jerry Divers — Rest in Peace

He was the quintessential gentleman.  Always immaculately dressed, he carried himself with a touch of class and polish. Kind, soft spoken and gentle in his manner, he was the epitome of suave elegance. 

Mr. Jerry Divers passed away recently, and I was swept with this deep sadness that the world had lost a fine human being. I spent some quality time with him as we travelled the world through a program I direct at The University of Tampa.  

He was incredibly appreciative of every little experience we shared over the years. He always wrote me a handwritten thank you card after every trip. His sincerity, gratitude, and genuine kindness shone through his words.  

His impact in the business world is well documented.  I wanted to shed some light on Jerry, the man. He was one of the true gentleman I had the privilege to meet. I will miss our many conversations over an occasional evening cocktail. Rest well Sir — the world is a lesser place without you in it.  

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on