
It was 2001.  A small sign went on our construction site — “Coming Soon, the Brandon Montessori School”. My husband and I were so nervous, as our hopes, our dreams and aspirations were tied into this special endeavor, along with the little bit of money we had.

An eager mom wanted to learn about Montessori and called us.
We invited Shara into our humble home, and she came over with a cute little baby boy in her lap, barely two years old. I shared my Montessori vision with Shara,and she thanked us and left our home with very few words.

A year later the school doorbell rang and a confident young three year old greeted us and I recognized the family immediately – it was Shara and Nathan.

He fit in almost immediately. Nathan loved Angie & my penchant for shoes, and for the longest time he wanted to be a shoe designer so that he could keep us happy!

Nathan flourished at the Montessori, moved on to elementary school and then to middle school. Angie and I were invited to his bar mitzvah and he spoke of changing his major from shoe designing to a career in science.

Today I received his graduation announcement, Nathan will be attending Indiana University and plans to study biochemistry. Nathan, I am glad you changed your major from designing  high heel shoes to science!

This young man’s success is rooted in his close knit family, his incredible work ethic, and in a small way, in the foundation we gave him.

Nathan is all grown up, and ready to take the world by storm. Nathan is a wonderful reminder of the rewards I reap as an educator. These children give so much meaning to my life.

About Rohini Rustogi

Rohini Rustogi is the owner, President, and CEO of The Brandon Montessori (BMS), The Riverview Montessori (RMS), and The South Shore Montessori (SMS) Schools. She has a Masters degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Geography from Kumaon University in India. In addition, she has earned a Preprimary Teacher Certification from the American Montessori Society and has been teaching in Montessori Schools in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years.