Deliberate Choices

I choose the quiet of my home over the bustle of the world around me. My perfect day is at home with my bride and my dogs, and of course the children if they are able to visit for a home cooked meal. Charlie Brown made “Peace a Priority” and focused … [Read more...]

The Genius of Insecurity

Those that walk around with an air of arrogance are not as bright as they seem. They make a lot of noise, are bullies of sort, and try and drown creativity with loud rhetoric.  True genius, carries with it a touch of insecurity, a sprinkle of … [Read more...]

Market Clutter

The liquor shelf was packed with over 50 varieties of vodka. As I browsed the selection, I couldn't help but think,"how different could vodka possibly be?" Each bottle designed to look more unique than the other, enticing the buyer by its visual … [Read more...]