The Colosseum


I recently visited the Colosseum in Rome and a sense of dark sadness clouded over me. I could picture the agile and courageous gladiators in the arena. The pensive part was the sadism  and cruelty of the Roman emperors — I was overcome with sadness.

The oppression of the Jews by Hitler in the past, and today terrorism by fanatics in the name of religion keep changing the world. The oppression of the human race continues in modern times, though it is a different kind of suffering. When will this ever stop?

Our forefathers lived in an era when things were far more difficult.  And hopefully our future generations will live in a more peaceful and loving world.

About Rohini Rustogi

Rohini Rustogi is the owner, President, and CEO of The Brandon Montessori (BMS), The Riverview Montessori (RMS), and The South Shore Montessori (SMS) Schools. She has a Masters degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Geography from Kumaon University in India. In addition, she has earned a Preprimary Teacher Certification from the American Montessori Society and has been teaching in Montessori Schools in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years.


  1. Stephanie Thomason says

    We’re struggling in an era between complacency and evil. I’m not sure whether complacency has always been a problem, given the difficulties of Roman times and all pre-modern times for that matter, but evil has. Hopefully the world realizes that the world needs to care for the meek, the poor, the suffering, and those treated unfairly. There are thousands of people suffering as I’m writing this message. God bless them.