Smart as a tack. Witty, with a sharpness that belied her 99 years. Aunty Florie finally went home to her maker just four months short of her one hundredth birthday. She was a small, slightly built lady who spent almost all of her life in the foothills of the Himalayas — breathing the fresh air and keeping a clean heart.
She was a beautiful soul, who lived a simple, yet beautiful life. She doted on her grandchildren — maybe more so on Rohini. We have our favorites in no uncertain terms. And we never seem to be able to hide it. She was kind and giving. Generous to the poor and to all those whose life she touched.
She lived life with a never say die attitude. She would think nothing of getting a pacemaker, or getting its batteries changed so she could get back to her simple home and garden.She taught those around her, a love for gardening and a love for dogs And did she ever love her dogs. They were fiercely protective of her, and rarely strayed from her side. One of them still sits by her bedside waiting for her to come home.
I think we can all learn from the kindness and simplicity of others. We must learn from people like Aunty Florie who found joy in the simple things — plants, dogs, service to others, and the clean fresh air of the mountains.
I think we can all do our part, as she did, to make this world better. The heavens gained an Angel today. And left those that loved her, time to celebrate a life that was well lived.
She was very good lady.my auntie who I know from childhood. And from the last breath she was with me.I love auntie filorie. I will miss her.