The smile is long gone. The sorrow resides in his eyes. The tears flow freely. It’s the fall out of a deep loss and a broken man, grieving the passing of his mother.
There are no words that provide comfort. At times like this, a close hug says more than a thousand words. Unfortunately, I have been there. I know his pain and tears. The feeling of helplessness and bewilderment is all too familiar. And all too real.
Those that say time heals, lie. At best, time teaches us how to cope. And only till the next reminder of our loss, that scrapes open the wounds of sorrow. There is no protocol for grief and how to deal with it.
At the end of the day, we must fight through the sadness and live for those that count on us. And to maintain our sanity. The new normal is not ideal, it’s the best we have at this point in our lives.