Students cheating to get better grades, or having others do their work, is disturbing at multiple levels. As an educator, it’s where I draw the line. No freebies. No do-overs. No exceptions. Students must earn an education, not buy one.
The news story that celebrities are paying for their kids — undeserving spoilt brats — to get into elite schools around the country is unconscionable.
Whatever happened to honesty and integrity? We have to protect the rights of those students that labor, without a safety net, to get an education they deserve.
School is not easy. Never has been. Never will be. I have experienced and witness, on a daily basis, the sacrifices that students make to get a good education. The sacrifices of little sleep, little money and long hours pouring over books and homework, all to build a better life. Been there. Done that.
The real tragedy is the message these criminal parents send to their entitled children. We can’t expect our young men and women to toe the line, when we break all the integrity rules our selves.