Attitude of Gratitude


I recently had dinner with my friend Dru, who I had not seen in 15 years. Dru goes to work at 5am every morning so he can get home early to take care of a 10 year old girl with a severe mental and physical disability.

Coincidentally, I met Chris P. on the golf course earlier today and he spoke with excitement about opening a new school for autistic children in the Bloomingdale (Tampa Bay) area. Working with special needs children has always been Chris’ passion  and his life’s work.  My hats off to Chris, Dru, and the other selfless people like them.

The human tendency is to complain, as if everything that is wrong in our lives is someone else’s fault. I believe it’s time to adopt an attitude of gratitude. These special needs children help me put my own life into perspective.  So often we sweat the “small stuff” because we take what we have for granted. Appreciate what you have going for you — thank the good God above for your lot in life, because it could turn on a dime.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on