“Pity is easy.” It carries with it an aura of superiority over those that we pity. Pity allows us to eliminate the guilt, so we can feel good about ourselves. Kindness and compassion are based more on empathy and genuine care. And are more about the … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom
November 22, 2019 by
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.Pablo Picasso … [Read more...]
Catch Them Young
November 21, 2019 by
I ran the “spaghetti” challenge with the elementary children at the Montessori. It was a different student group for me to manage. I found it interesting that they would first raise their hand to ask a question, and when I called on them, they … [Read more...]
Setup to Fail
November 20, 2019 by
You hire smart people, but for the wrong positions. Then you promote them, to reward them for their loyalty. Then, over time, they manage people and resources. And then they become part of the problem. These good people are setup to fail. They are … [Read more...]