Kiss those Babies

A young family is broken due to the unexpected and tragic loss of their precious four year old girl. Their world is in disarray and their grief unimaginable — their pain, and their heartbreak unbearable.  As you tuck in your little ones tonight, … [Read more...]

Sheer Magic

And suddenly you know — its time to start something new, and trust the magic of new beginnings.Meister Eckhart … [Read more...]

Money and Passion

I have learned over the years that money chases passion — passion never chases money. Never.  Why is it that most people chase the dollar? And compromise their standards to do the wrong thing to pad their pockets? When they fail, they often … [Read more...]

I Remember…

I remember seeing the tears in my mothers eyes, as I kissed her goodbye and headed for the plane. I remember the beautiful sunrise from 30,000 ft. as I flew from Tokyo to Los Angeles. I remember seeing the plane almost kiss the Hollywood sign as we … [Read more...]