Calm the Mind

I started back up with my yoga practice with an incredible teacher. More about her later in these pages. For now, my focus is on the benefits that accrue from calming the mind.  In our fast paced, high tech, social media fueled world, the lines … [Read more...]

A New Road

The roar of the crowd has now subsided, and the gowns and caps and tassels have been tucked away. The euphoria of graduating college is slowly sinking into their psyche. The future still remains a little bleary.  The reality of what may lie … [Read more...]

Congratulations Grads

Do all the other things, the ambitious things—travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes…but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness.George Saunders … [Read more...]

Hitting A Wall

This has been my story this week, for both personal and professional reasons. I seem to have hit a wall — in my writing, and my work. And my high energy and drive seem to have lost their way for now. We have all been there. It’s part of … [Read more...]