Those that embody a deep sense of gratitude have a way of touching our hearts. Meet Shardul, a young man with the world as his oyster. He sat in my classes, worked hard, and was like the proverbial sponge, which is the dream of every … [Read more...]
The Human Experience
I am convinced that, to a larger extent, we are defined by our relationships and by our experiences with other people who cross our path. I have been blessed to have met some incredible people over the years, and some the world could do … [Read more...]
An Education Gap
“I wish college had done a better job and prepared me for life”. It’s a common complaint, and it’s where we fail our students. We rarely prepare them to deal with relationships, taxes, insurance, home ownership and managing their … [Read more...]
Our Comfort Zone
Ever tried to cut a paper with a hammer? Nope. Me neither. Wrong tool for the task at hand. We are often limited by the tools at our disposal. When the only tool we have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. Wish that was original, but … [Read more...]