The Ultimate Master

Golf can be a cruel game. Ask Francisco Molinari, as he dumped two balls in the water, and played himself out of the Masters tournament.  And then there’s golf magic, in the hands of Tiger Woods. A rare, generational talent, who beat the best … [Read more...]

The Critics Don’t Count

Theodore Roosevelt’s commentary on the “Man in the Arena” is posted on my office door. I am always pleasantly surprised at the number of students who stop by to read the post, and usually comment on it’s powerful directive.  The message is … [Read more...]

My Temple

There is something spiritual about the sanctity of the classroom. It’s where I practice my craft. Beyond the academic content, it’s a haven where I connect with students.  I strive to take every student out of their comfort zone, and to push … [Read more...]

From the Archives — April 2018

(originally posted April 30, 2018 Good leadership is about making one’s self totally dispensable. Empower the troops and get out of the way. Good leaders create the right environment for their … [Read more...]