Not too long ago, one of my students asked me to step out of the classroom to introduce me to someone special — his mother, who was also a former student from ions ago. Two generations under the belt. WOW. I must be getting old! Last … [Read more...]
Simply Brilliant
March 19, 2019 by
Truer words have rarely ever been spoken: If you are emotionally attached to your tribe, religion or political leaning to a point that truth and justice become secondary considerations, your education is useless. Your exposure is useless. If you … [Read more...]
And the Hate Continues……
March 18, 2019 by
Places of worship are no longer safe from the hatred of deranged individuals fueled by the bitter rhetoric that is the new norm. Life’s are shattered, and families destroyed. Why can’t people pray in peace, to their own God, in their own religious … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom
March 15, 2019 by
One of the truest test of integrity is the blunt refusal to be compromised.China Achebe … [Read more...]