Picking Up the Slack

The good ones step up their game when the stars are out. That’s what makes good utility players — they show up  and perform at a higher level especially when the team needs them. And they focus on the task at hand, not the reward.  These … [Read more...]

The Genius of Insecurity

Those that walk around with an air of arrogance are not as bright as they seem. They make a lot of noise, are bullies of sort, and try and drown creativity with loud rhetoric.  True genius, carries with it a touch of insecurity, a sprinkle of … [Read more...]

A Presidential Thought

There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.William H. Harrison (1773-1841) … [Read more...]


I caught a glimpse of him as he turned the corner and ducked into the back of his SUV to buckle his son into the car seat. It was my buddy Alan, who lost his fight to cancer over a decade ago. Yet it was not. Just an uncanny striking similarity. The … [Read more...]