The Classroom

Funny how two graduate class sessions on the same day can be so different. One was a struggle, with disengaged students, who had low energy. Maybe I had something to do with that? Maybe I had a lot to do with that.  The other session was … [Read more...]


Ever noticed the sign above the door, or the name on a building you enter, as you go about your daily life? I think you know the answer. Our older brother recently shared an image of a marble plaque above the entrance to a girls’ school, in what … [Read more...]

Quiet the Mind

Sit in silence, with your eyes closed, and focus on your breath. Quiet the mind. It pays rich dividends.  One does not need training, or coaching, to sit in silence and to breathe. Clear the mind. And enjoy the peaceful gift of meditative … [Read more...]

The Truth Matters

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.Friedrich Nietzsche … [Read more...]