Synergistic Talent

Individual talent is all for naught when egos compromise team dynamics. Give me a group of dedicated people who focus on team deliverables — without regard to their individual needs — and they can move mountains. It’s difficult to check our egos … [Read more...]

Online Shopping Gone Wrong

Ever done business with a company, where its like an out of body experience? Meet, an online clothing company that has failure written all over it. I ordered a jacket 3 weeks ago, and then hell froze over. No service, no product, no … [Read more...]

Lull After the Storm

The laughter has subsided. The food and wine are long gone. The family settles into its daily chores in preparation for the week ahead. The holiday was a special time with family and friends. But the quiet now, is a little bit like the lull after … [Read more...]

Profound Words of Wisdom

We are more often frightened than hurt; And we suffer more from imagination than from reality. — Lucius Annaeus Seneca … [Read more...]