We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. — Albert Schweitzer … [Read more...]
Style Without Substance
The table must be perfectly set. The china and glassware shining. Every decoration working in harmony to set the picture perfect stage for a holiday meal. I had people like that in my former life. All about style – very little substance. Those people … [Read more...]
Something About Airports
As I waited to greet my sister arriving from DC, I couldn’t help but look around at the throng of people, and take in the scenery. I saw the exhilaration and sheer joy that comes with seeing loved ones, greet each other, after a long time. I saw … [Read more...]
It’s in the Spirit
When adversity knocks, our ability to deal with it is as much about our spirit as it is about creative solutions, to deal with the fall out. A positive mental outlook on life’s curveballs certainly helps. There is tremendous pleasure in hitting a … [Read more...]