The look in their doggy eyes says it all. “Where’s Mom? Is she ever coming back?” I wonder if dogs have any sense of time. They are equally excited to see me, whether I am gone a few weeks, or 50 steps down the driveway to my mailbox. When their … [Read more...]
Second Chances
I built my life, and my livelihood on second chances. Second chances in my career, second chances in my relationship, and second chances in my life. It’s ok to ask for a second chance. It’s even better to give second chances to those that cry out … [Read more...]
The Roar of the Tiger
Seldom do we come across people who capture the imagination of a sporting nation. The legend of Tiger Woods is old news. He has survived the humiliation of adultery, and multiple legal transgressions. He has survived four — yes four — back surgeries, … [Read more...]
Wicked Innocence
Rohini finds joy in working with the naughty ones. The picture above captures the impish innocence of these delightful kids. “They are children”, she often tells me, and “how will they ever learn, if we don’t teach them?” No argument there. Today, … [Read more...]