Our shadow sticks to us in more ways than one. Pretty much like the reputation we create by our behavior, and how we treat others. It’s tough to shake off people’s perceptions if we have questionable integrity or a marginal work ethic. As Jeff … [Read more...]
A thought for the day
October 20, 2017 by
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. — Marcus Tullius Cicero … [Read more...]
Happy Diwali
October 19, 2017 by
Today, more than a billion people around the world celebrate Diwali. This spiritual festival symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, victory over defeat, and knowledge over ignorance. May the New Year bring to you, and your … [Read more...]
Some Days……….
October 18, 2017 by
There are some days that need to be put to bed, like they never happened. Everything that can possibly go wrong, does. From the crack of dawn till the time the head hits the pillow, it’s chaos in motion. The ‘chakras’ don’t align, and the stars … [Read more...]