Good bye hurricane Irma. While our area was spared, there are many that were not so fortunate. The river across the street from us crested at 22 feet — the highest it has been in over 57 years. Craziness was the rule of law. Long lines for water, and … [Read more...]
A thought for the day
September 8, 2017 by
There's no harm in hoping for the best as long as you're prepared for the worst. — Stephen King … [Read more...]
Water, Wine & Prayer
September 7, 2017 by
The massive storm Irma barrels towards Florida with a potential viscous punch that would bring the very best to their knees. The store shelves are empty. Storm survival essentials are long gone. The lines at the pump meander through the local … [Read more...]
A Quiet Place
September 6, 2017 by
There is calmness that stems for meditation, and the gift of quiet reflection lasts long after the session is over. There is no one right way to meditate. No particular music, no specific location, no divine catalyst that makes one meditation journey … [Read more...]