It has been a nostalgic journey down memory lane as I start my 28th year at The University of Tampa. The memories are vivid. The journey, not the easiest at times, yet fulfilling in so many ways. The difference has been the people — my family, my … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom
August 25, 2017 by
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams … [Read more...]
August 24, 2017 by
Everyday I am inspired by young people around me. One individual who tops my list is Carlos Mercado, a fitness coach at the local YMCA and a full time undergraduate student at the University of South Florida. Carlos is a young man who just turned … [Read more...]
Bad Choices, Bad Outcomes
August 23, 2017 by
We are creatures of habit, and seldom thoroughly consider the consequences of our actions. We are all guilty of making bad choices at some point in our lives — the people we hire; the people we trust who let us down; that last drink we should … [Read more...]