Brilliant Insight

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. — Viktor E. Frankl … [Read more...]

Impatient to Grow Older

Yes, you read that correctly. While most of us would love to halt the clock, I am currently spending a good deal of quality time with a little person that can hardly wait to get older! Little Ms Sara doesn’t much care to be labeled as little and, at … [Read more...]

Life Long Integrity

Integrity is not a passing fancy that changes with the wind, or the passage of time. It does not vacillate with years of service, or a new career path. Integrity is a constant. It is the never flinching rock that defines our character to our very … [Read more...]

Mr. Richards

Mr. Richards has been a part of our Montessori family for over 15 years. He retired recently at the young age of 89. He instilled in the children a love for music, and taught them to discover their own rhythm. Not an easy task when one works with … [Read more...]