Organizations change, like the seasons. The cold winters inevitably turn into the promise of spring. People come and go, yet good companies survive the turmoil, because they are driven by their mission. I respect the need for teachers to explore … [Read more...]
What Drives You?
It is a profound, yet important question that you should answer for yourself — what drives you? There are no easy answers. As we sat around yesterday, sipping wine, and spending time with each other, I raised the question. The answers varied … [Read more...]
A quote for the day
A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers and woods, it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. — George William Curtis … [Read more...]
The rhetoric is a facade. Talk is cheap, and words can ring hollow. Building trust is like testing fine metal, by fire, time and time again. There are very few that we can trust and even fewer we would go to war with. If we can count on the … [Read more...]