I heard the leader of the free world say that running a government takes heart, but that there is no heart involved in running a business. Wrong. In every sense of the word. Business is all about heart, and passion, and relationships. And about … [Read more...]
April 25, 2017 by
It is easy to be critical of those that teach, and question the value they provide. We wonder — is our hard work paying off? Is the work we do meaningful? When magical transformations occur, these special moments of joy make all the efforts … [Read more...]
Alike or Complementary?
April 24, 2017 by
We have an innate tendency to associate with the like-minded. Recently, we have seen thinkers and writers refer to the dangers of inhabiting an echo chamber, where you meet people like yourself and never hear views divergent from your own. And how … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom
April 21, 2017 by
In the end, the only question you have to ask yourself is, "Does this path have heart?" — The Better Man Project … [Read more...]