No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head. — Terry Josephson … [Read more...]
Electronic Despair
About a month ago, my TV went blank. Earlier this week, my iMac bit the dust. Even before I could bid farewell to a critical piece of my electronic arsenal, my new IPhone died. Won't power on — period. How, and when did I become so dependent on these … [Read more...]
We push the limits of our most personal relationships, typically egged on by our relatives. I define relatives as people who are part of our extended family, that we really don't like! Why would we ever let people on the periphery of our most … [Read more...]
Oscar Wild
As we grieved the unfortunate passing of Oliver, our beloved family Bichon for almost 15 years, the void he left in our home was real. And then, soon after, I met Oscar Wild. A four pound fur-ball with a big dog attitude. I broke all my self … [Read more...]