My beautiful Bianca came into the world over three decades ago, filling me with wonder and making me such a very proud mom. She continues to make me proud as she grows steadily into the woman she is meant to become, her initially tentative steps … [Read more...]
A quote for the day
March 17, 2017 by
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. — Bob Marley … [Read more...]
Men of the Earth
March 16, 2017 by
I spent about 8 hours facilitating a planning meeting with Dairy Farmers of the Southeast United States. This dying breed has struggled with changing demographics and shifting trends in the market place. Their margins continue to shrink, and the … [Read more...]
Mothers and Daughters
March 15, 2017 by
I have a bias towards women – I tend to allow them more leeway and sometimes make excuses for them, at least secretly. Each day one hears tales of extraordinary women, who unhesitatingly embark on seemingly impossible journeys and then display … [Read more...]