Just One Shot

Conventional wisdom suggests that we get just one chance to make that first impression; one chance to raise capital for a new venture; one chance to follow our dreams and one chance to live out our fantasies. Ironic, considering that I have built … [Read more...]

Beliefs & Facts

Why is it that belief and magic drive our behavior more than evidence and fact? As a recent TED Talk emphasized, we are entitled to our beliefs and our prejudice — we are not entitled to ignore the facts, or manipulate them. Yet we do this with … [Read more...]

A Dying Breed

The old gives way to the new, and in its' wake leaves significant collateral damage. The American Dairy Farmer is a dying breed. The dairy industry has consolidated. The small guys struggle to survive and the power in the supply chain has shifted … [Read more...]

Embrace but Understand

Guest post by Jasmine Rustogi I recently traveled to Morocco for the final course of my MBA program. Initially, I felt nervous about going abroad, especially with all of the recent alerts on global terrorism. I had never been to a predominantly … [Read more...]