Welcome to corporate America, where they fight for talent, compensate their people well, and then after twenty years of blood sweat and tears — and millions in the bank — abandon them midstream. Is that the perfect reward for the best people? A … [Read more...]
Leaders and Teams
June 27, 2016 by
Back to "Extreme Ownership" by Willink and Babin. The authors contend that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders. Yes, and No, from my vantage point. There is an element of truth that it takes a great leader to bring out the best in their team. … [Read more...]
Something to Think About
June 24, 2016 by
People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent. —Bob Dylan … [Read more...]
June 23, 2016 by
Paycheck workers are committed to the dollars that come in every fifteen days. They consider work to be a hoop they must jump through to get money in the bank. They flee at the first sign of trouble, or the first chance they get to make a few dollars … [Read more...]