In business, one has to spend money to make money. Unfortunately, too many companies save money, by being stingy on essentials. Then these tightwads wonder why revenue is falling, customers are leaving and employees are unhappy. Their solution? Cut … [Read more...]
Good People, Good Leaders?
April 26, 2016 by
Good people don't necessarily make good leaders. However, good leaders are almost always good people. A good person who is not an effective leader means well, works hard, and has their heart in the right place. Yet they are scared of upsetting the … [Read more...]
Capture Each Day
April 25, 2016 by
"Live each day like it's your last." Great advice from a dear friend who recently lost the love of his life. Instead of moping around, or wallowing in self pity, he has embraced life with a fervor that is uncanny. "I have to look forward, and move … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom
April 22, 2016 by
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. — Wayne Dyer … [Read more...]