Goodbye India

I really enjoyed my time with my family as we engaged in all the rituals and customs typical of the big Hindu wedding — family togetherness, awesome food, lots of alcohol, lots of laughter, and very little sleep.  Yep, that pretty much sums up my … [Read more...]

From the Archives — February 2015

The following post is from the blog archives from a year ago (originally published on February 18, 2015 The tendency is to step over trash, as opposed to picking it up and … [Read more...]

A Global Problem

Violence against women appears to be a global problem. This issue transcends economic, social and cultural lines. A young Indian bride from an affluent family, badly beaten by her husband in the first month of her marriage, leaving physical and … [Read more...]

The Have’s and the Have Nots

The economic dichotomy between the blessed and the poor in India is stark, gut wrenching, and leaves one with a sense of hopelessness. Visual signs are everywhere: local neighborhoods, the drive to Delhi, and on every street corner in the city. The … [Read more...]