Trust is Human

I highly recommend that you watch Simon Sinek's Ted Talk, "First Why, Then Trust". One more home run from a brilliant thought leader who's insights are inspirational and sheer genius. Now why can't I think like that? The premise is simple: we … [Read more...]

Anecdotal Research

Seeking anecdotal confirmation for marginal performance, and poor decision making, is not market research. Calling your best customers, or your best students, to assess your effectiveness, is a little bit like patting your own back. It's senseless … [Read more...]

Something to think about

Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients. — Sir Richard Branson … [Read more...]

Organic Chem 101

"They speak a different language, Dad," was my son Rohan's take on his Organic Chemistry class in college. He was noticeably concerned about the difficult subject matter, because he had not missed a single class, and spent numerous hours in the … [Read more...]