Do You Really Make a Difference?


Most of us like to believe that our professional productivity (or lack thereof) is meaningful and significant. Unfortunately, in the absence of meaningful quantitative and qualitative metrics, the belief in our contributions does not match the harsh reality — our impact may be marginal at best.

Time to put the ego aside and focus on measuring the impact of our work.
The question is how do we accomplish this? Academia continues to struggle with the publish or perish syndrome. How much of the scholarly work in business is read by peers, or really has an impact on how business is conducted?

Sad to say, not a lot. I am clearly disillusioned by what one can pass off as research and academes never ending endeavor to decorate the walls of our respective ivory towers. If it does not help students, business enterprises, or academic colleagues, it’s safe to say the difference we make is minimal. Sad to say, but more people read my blog on a daily basis than anything I have ever published.

Until we sort out this mess, the directive is to keep on writing.

If we don’t publish, we will perish.

The game continues…

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on