One man’s vision and entrepreneurial insight created a special institution for Business Education in Zurich. Meet Dr. Albert Stahli, visionary extraordinaire. He was the founding Principal of The Graduate School of Business Administration (GSBA), Switzerland. He invited leading scholars from around the world to teach business across the functional disciplines. I was privileged to teach for him for over 15 years, in two week blocks, at his small yet warm campus on the shores of Lake Zurich.
This past week, the sun finally set after his 50 year journey. He hosted a major reunion where I reconnected with former students from all over Europe. He was a bit of a maverick in an arena where tradition is the norm. He was probably the best salesman I ever met. The joke in student circles was that no student ever left his office without writing him a check!
I saw Albert after almost 8 years. The flashy suits, and charisma had given way to an aging man. His flare for the dramatics, was still intact. The glory days had clearly slipped away. As I left the campus, I couldn’t help but thank him for the many opportunities he created for me, and how his generosity went a long way in helping me raise my family. Men like Albert are a dying breed — those that live on the edge and challenge the status quo. Stay well my friend. You certainly left your mark on a generation of students.