The beautiful brass bell hangs at the entrance of the infusion center at Moffitt. The bell is rung by patients as they finish their last chemo treatment, and leave, hopefully to never come back.
This past Friday, I heard the sound of the bell, like sweet music to my ears —four times. Each time, patients and caregivers in the lobby applauded with gusto, as those that rang the bell walked out, visibly moved with their victory and closing of a key chapter in their treatment.
I wish the bell rings continuously, as those that suffer from this dreaded disease, recover and put their lives back together again. I wish each time the bell tolls one more warrior wins the war against cancer.
I can’t wait for my beautiful sister to ring that bell — we are almost there. We are almost home.
Wishing Ranjana speedy recovery , good health and strength to bounce back again , like nothing ever happened.💐♥️
Hugs and prayers for your dear sister❤