Goodbye India


I really enjoyed my time with my family as we engaged in all the rituals and customs typical of the big Hindu wedding — family togetherness, awesome food, lots of alcohol, lots of laughter, and very little sleep.  Yep, that pretty much sums up my week.

India was good for me, particularly this time around. I was able to make peace with myself on some unfinished personal business. I enjoyed the slow pace of the days and the whirlwind gatherings in the evenings. I loved the incredibly spicy food that lit a perpetual fire in my belly. Not sure my trainer, or my wife, will be happy with my expanding girth.  My family is a close bunch and we hit crazy heights when all of us are together, and this trip was no exception.

Yes India has it problems, but which country does not? Ours may be a tad more severe in some areas. Heavy pollution in Delhi, the craziest drivers and traffic congestion in the world, lots and lots of people, and the poverty that definitely effects you in one way or the other. These problems not withstanding, India is truly incredible. Period.

As I head home, I do so with mixed emotions. Happy to be go back to my life, yet sad to be leaving behind people who I deeply love. Such is the sacrifice that many families make.
Such is life.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on


  1. Barbara LeFevre says

    My family lives in the Chicago area, I am 250 miles away. Still, I can totally relate to your experience. I love my family. I love being home away. I am like a recipe that has been trifled with