We soaked in the natural beauty of Switzerland and baked in the unusually hot weather for this time of year. Of course, there is no global warming from the perspective of the know-it-alls. And, of course, there is little to no air conditioning in the city.
Zurich has a palpable energy and vibrancy from people on the move. The crowds in the train stations and the hustle and bustle of the Bahnhofstrasse create a cacophony of sounds. Old town has the charm of an era gone by. The cafes are packed with youngsters, and the beer and conversations flow freely.
Tomorrow we head to Milan to learn about fashion and exotic cars. On the agenda — trips to Versace and Dolce and Gabbana. And for those of us men who see little value to the fashion world, the trip to Maserati promises to be special.
Today I learned about a 21 year old young lady, who was featured in Forbes, who has visited all 196 countries in the world. So enviable. Time to get a thicker passport and start making a dent in my bucket list, and pursue my travel dreams.
Maybe — and just maybe — if we all travel a little more, we might learn to be kinder to, and more tolerant of each other.