Hell Week


Grading student papers and projects is the most unpleasant part of my job as a teacher. I would much rather teach, mentor, and create value for my students. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil.

Occasionally, my students have wondered whether I take the time to read what they write. NEWS FLASH – EVERY WORD! My favorite story is about an MBA student who, years ago, stuck a sentence in the middle of his paper – “If you read this line I will buy you a beer!” Rest assured I made him get me a six-pack before I would release his grades!

And then there are those students who do little work during the year, but now NEED an A or a B, or MUST pass, to meet personal milestones. The truth is that as educators, we don’t give grades. We merely assign them based on student effort and results.

The best part of hell week? I get to bask in the success of my students as they graduate and pursue their dreams. Most of them, I will never see again. Some become part of my life forever. I feel so blessed to have found my calling.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.