“My nephew hasn’t called me after I got my terminal diagnosis. He told his Mom he hasn’t called me because he didn’t know what to say”. That was a dear friend, who is battling the big C, a little surprised by a loving, meaningful relationship now gone awry.
When we don’t know what to say, we must still call and tell those who fight for life, that we love them. That we are thinking of them. And that we are rooting for their personal victory.
When we say nothing, we say everything. That people only matter during the good times. That their personal battles are only theirs. That I have my own life to live and the other is effectively now an afterthought.
Just remember, what goes around, comes around. And the receiving end is just not as pleasant. How would it feel that those we need the most, become too busy at the time we need them the most? I wish that on no one. Yet, life, though unfair, can be very equitable at times.