I remember seeing the tears in my mothers eyes, as I kissed her goodbye and headed for the plane.
I remember the beautiful sunrise from 30,000 ft. as I flew from Tokyo to Los Angeles.
I remember seeing the plane almost kiss the Hollywood sign as we touched down at LAX.
That was August 30th, 1985.
I remember the lonely days that followed, that were filled with insecurity, and self doubt.
I remember the kindness of a good friend and that of strangers as I settled into making a life for myself.
I remember the days of being dead broke — and trying to live in LA on $400 a month.
I remember the undying faith Mom and Dad showed in me — believing that I could do it, when the going got tough.
Today, exactly 34 years later, their sacrifice enabled me to make a life for myself. America has been everything I had imagined, and then some. I love this country with a deep sense of gratitude for the life I have been able to create for my family and myself. And for the deep friendships I have formed over the years.
Thank you America — can’t wait to see what the future holds. If the past is any indication, the years ahead should be worthy of celebration.