It’s OK to Walk Away


Why are we willing to put up with bad service, over and over again? Maybe because we don’t like change and fear the unknown? The potential switching costs between vendors, or products, can be high both psychologically and financially.

When we ignore bad customer service, and keep giving our business to the same companies, we reinforce negative behavior and become part of the problem. The service providers assume that poor customer service is not a ‘deal breaker,’ or worse, that their service is really not that bad.

We all have rights as consumers and owe it to ourselves to exercise these rights frequently. A company should have to earn our money, not be entitled to it.

Next time, speak up or walk away. Either way, you will come out ahead.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on