Keeping Talent


My friend Nancy, the CEO of a major tech company, was frustrated with the challenges of keeping talent within the company. “We train them, invest in them, teach them the skills required for success, and they get up and leave for just a few dollars more.”

So what gives? There are those ‘transitional’ employees that will leave. The key is to avoid hiring them, and to try and identify them early so that the collateral damage is minimal. The goal is to create a shared vision and a workplace that people love, so that movement of human capital can be minimized.

There are those who come into companies and never leave. The truth? We could probably do without some of them as the longer they serve, their contribution becomes marginal at best.

People work for more than just a paycheck. They work for emotional fulfillment, for financial security and for intellectual satisfaction.

If you hire people, tell your story. Paint the workplace canvas with the perfect picture, and I am certain that your people will applaud and demonstrate their appreciation with loyalty.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on