Life’s Curve Ball

I planned my day, the evening before, and was all set to take on the tasks according to plan. And then the curve ball — a phone call from my daughter complaining of a sharp shooting pain in her tummy.

Yes, acute appendicitis, after whirlwind visits to the doctor, ER, and CT scans. Emergency surgery, long hours of waiting and watching. Finally, some good news. She is fine, recovering and resting. The Dad in me? In a “pacing” mode.

Yet again, the fragility of life hits home. This time, too close. That’s my baby girl hooked up to machines and wires, with people poking and prodding and asking the same set of questions a 1000 times.

I hate not being in control. I marvel at the medicine men and women and their skills that save lives and make bad things better. More on that in a later post.

For now, my daughter rests, my nerves are settling and the worst is behind us. One more gentle reminder from the powers that be, to not sweat the small stuff.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on